Please find below the outline of the 2018-2019 Concert Season. The board and the Artistic Directors think it is an exciting season of music which we know you'll enjoy performing.
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!!! These dates will not change and we hope that you will keep them open and available to perform with your respective group.
We are particularly excited about June 1, 2019 when we will be performing with Dee Daniels. If you have not heard her yet, please check out her website at or look for her on YouTube. One link on her website, "Dee Daniels LIve at Biblo" really exemplifies the Dee I have seen at various concerts.
2018-2019 Concert Season
November 3: Orchestra and Chorus: Beethoven’s Choral Fantasia with Sascha Starcevich as soloist
December 8: Orchestra and Chorus
1st half: Short version of Messiah ~40 minutes
2nd half: About 30 minutes of seasonal music which will be “lighter” than the Messiah, but still reflect the mood of the music
February 16: Orchestra: Rising Stars
March 10: Chorus: Jewish repertoire both folk and sacred
April 13th: Orchestra only
i. No theme yet, but James will look into the getting a French Horn soloist playing some Mozart repertoire
June 1: Orchestra and Chorus: Dee Daniels